April 2024 Newsletter
Video: File Compare in Milestones Professional
If you have two Milestones Professional schedules, each tagged with Unique Identifiers (such as UniqueID from MS Project or ActivityID from P6), you can compare the differences to any tagged dates by using our “File Compare” feature.
Check out our Videos page to see all of our available videos. You can also directly go to our Youtube Channel to see them as well.
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April 2024 Tips and Tricks
For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for April 2024
Individual symbols displaying in the summary bar
If I add a milestone to a task row, it’s also showing up on the summary bar. How can I turn this off for the entire schedule?
Copy and paste a toolbox to another schedule
Copy and paste a legend from one schedule to another
Make a hidden legend reappear
I hid the legend and now I need to put it back on the schedule. After I hide the legend, how do I get it to reappear?
Use a bitmap graphic as a symbol
I have an image bitmap of a company symbol that I would like to use as a Milestones symbol. How can I do this?
Vertical link to a symbol on the same task bar
Do you know how you can link to task within the same task bar? I would like to create a vertical link between two symbols on the same row.
Want a different triangle shape
Is it possible to get a different triangle symbol? I see there are several to choose from but I have a specific requirement.
Want solid connector (not dashed) after status date
How do I make the horizontal connector between the triangles solid and not dashed after the status line?
Symbol note frame and background
I see that I can change the background color for the symbol note. But what if I want to get rid of the background color and the frame? Is this a possibility?
Attach a picture to a symbol
I would like to attach a picture to a symbol. Is this possible?
For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for April 2024
Upgrade to Milestones Professional 2023
Click here to Upgrade to Milestones Professional 2023 for only $199 (if you already own any version of Milestones Professional).
To see what has changed, check out our “What’s New in Milestones Professional 2023” page.
Join the Milestones Professional Users LinkedIn Group
For anyone interested, there’s a free Milestones Professional user group on LinkedIn you can join to share best practices, network with other users, and maybe learn some tips along the way from other experienced Milestones users. To join, head over to the following website and click Join: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=6796817
Note: This user group is an unofficial group run by Milestones software users, and is not managed by KIDASA Software, Inc. A free LinkedIn account is required to join the group.