Milestones Professional 2023 Software Tutorials
The tutorials for Milestones Professional 2023 are built into the software’s Help Tab:
You can also download the Milestones Professional 2023 Tutorials here:
All Tutorials (Lesson 1 – Lesson 19) as a Single PDF File
Lesson 1: How to Format a Schedule
Lesson 2: Adding Task, Date and Title to the Schedule
Lesson 3: Working with Text
Lesson 4: Customizing Symbols, Bars, Vertical Links and the Toolbox
Lesson 5: Working with Dependencies
Lesson 6: Outlining your Schedule
Lesson 7: Showing Progress
Lesson 8: Using Symbol Hyperlinks and Symbol Links
Lesson 9: Create a Schedule from MS Excel / Spreadsheet Data
Lesson 10: Working with a Master Schedule
Lesson 11: Introduction to DataGraphs and ValueSets 1, 2, 3
Lesson 12: Create Type 4 and Type 5 ValueSets, ValueSet SmartColumns, and DataGraphs
Lesson 13: Calculation Indicator Columns and Percent Complete Pies
Lesson 14: Values SmartColumn with Indicator Symbols, Text and/or Coloring
Lesson 15: Stoplight SmartColumn
Lesson 16: Microsoft Project to Milestones Import Wizard (with MS Project Installed)
Lesson 17: Working with a Baseline
Lesson 18: Import and Refresh from Primavera
Lesson 19: Microsoft Project to Milestones Import Wizard (with MS Project NOT Installed)