Milestones Professional Automation: Microsoft Access VBA Examples

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Access VBA Example

Here’s an example of how you might use Milestones Professional’s OLE Automation to take information from an Access Table and generate a formatted project schedule. 
The “ScheduleData” Access table:
OutlineLevel Task Manager Funding2023 Funding2024 StartDate PercentComplete EndDate
1 Task 1 Jane $333.00 $123.00   0  
2 Task 1-1 John $234.00 $234.00 4/1/2023 44 6/30/2023
2 Task 1-2 Patrick $345.00 $345.00 5/1/2023 33 10/31/2023
2 Task 1-3 Glen $456.00 $456.00 7/15/2023 22 2/3/2024
1 Task 2 Mary $567.00 $567.00   0  
2 Task 2-1 Donald $999.00 $343.00 3/1/2023 99 6/30/2023
2 Task 2-2 Sue $342.00 $999.00 4/1/2023 44 6/6/2024
2 Task 2-3 Cariel $543.00 $434.00 5/15/2023 55 12/15/2024
2 Task 2-4 Jackie $3,000.00 $2,000.00 5/15/2023 33 12/1/2024
2 Task 2-5 Carl $342.00 $342.00 3/1/2023 22 4/1/2023
1 Task 3 Kirk $333.00 $333.00   0  
2 Task 3-1 Dave $444.00 $444.00 6/1/2023 15 6/30/2024
2 Task 3-2 Jane $555.00 $555.00 5/1/2023 23 5/1/2024
2 Task 3-3 Earl $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 33 6/19/2024
2 Task 3-4 Jane $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 44 4/20/2024
2 Task 3-5 Dave $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 55 6/6/2024
2 Task 3-6 Kirk $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 66 1/18/2024
2 Task 3-7 Carl $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 77 6/6/2024
2 Task 3-8 Jackie $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 88 5/10/2024
1 Task 4 Cariel $332.00 $232.00   0  
2 Task 4-1 Sue $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 22 7/29/2024
2 Task 4-2 Donald $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 33 11/26/2024
2 Task 4-3 Mary $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 44 12/29/2024
2 Task 4-4 Jim $332.00 $232.00 4/4/2023 55 8/4/2023
The Milestones Professional Schedule:
The Access Visual Basic Program:
Here’s a Visual Basic Program that generates an outlined Milestones Professional schedule using the data in the Access table.  The Milestones OLE calls are displayed in red.
Public Sub CreateSchedule()

‘ this function updates the schedule using data from a table

Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim rstTable1 As Recordset
Dim numberoftasklines As Integer
Dim numberofsymbols As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim x2 As Integer
Dim TaskNumber As Integer

‘Identify the table
Set dbsCurrent = CurrentDb()
Set rstTable1 = dbsCurrent.OpenRecordset(“scheduledata”, dbOpenTable)
Set objMilestones = CreateObject(“Milestones”)

With objMilestones
‘ Locate first record.
‘ Activate Milestones Professional Schedule
.Template “AccessTemplate.mtp”

TaskNumber = 0

‘Start of loop

Do Until rstTable1.EOF
TaskNumber = TaskNumber + 1

On Error GoTo SkipDate

‘Use Milestones Professional OLE Automation calls to add symbols to the schedule

.AddSymbol TaskNumber, Format(rstTable1!StartDate, “mm/dd/yy”), 1, 1, 2
.AddSymbol TaskNumber, Format(rstTable1!EndDate, “mm/dd/yy”), 2, 1, 2

.SetOutlineLevel TaskNumber, rstTable1!OutlineLevel

‘Add information to the task columns
.PutCell TaskNumber, 1, rstTable1!Manager
.PutCell TaskNumber, 3, rstTable1!Task
.PutCell TaskNumber, 6, “$” + Str(rstTable1!Funding2023)
.PutCell TaskNumber, 7, “$” + Str(rstTable1!Funding2024)
.RefreshTask TaskNumber

‘Move to the next record

‘ End of loop.

.SetLinesPerPage TaskNumber
.SetTitle2 “Milestones Professional”
.SetStartDate “1/1/2023”
.SetEndDate “12/31/2024”

‘Close Access Table

‘Keep Milestones Professional schedule open
End With

Exit Sub

End Sub

To try this example:
Click here to download a self-extracting ZIP file containing:
 – The Access Database (AccessExample.mdb)
 – The Milestones Professional Template (AccessTemplate.mtp) 
(*NOTE: Place this .MTP template in your default Templates directory – Check Tools Tab > Folder button to see default Templates directory. Usually it is your Documents Folder)
(This download is recommended for experienced Access users with some programming knowledge.)