January 2017 Newsletter

Announcing: Milestones Professional 2017

We are proud to announce that we have released Milestones Professional 2017, the latest version of our flagship product, Milestones Professional.

Here are a few of the new changes in version 2017:

Improved Undo

A new Multiple Undo feature has been added to Milestones. Now all actions can be undone. You can set the number of actions that can be undone from 1 to 100 (the default is 20). This is done using the Tools | Program Options | Edit screen:


Select Multiple Tasks to import ad-hoc from MS Project

In past versions, one Microsoft Project task could be linked via the “Link to Active MS Project task” feature. Now, groups of tasks can be selected in Microsoft Project. Then, the link feature makes it possible to link all selected tasks at once. One option is add all dates from selected tasks to a single row on the Milestones chart. The other option is to have Milestones add new rows for each Project task:

To see what else has changed, check out our “What’s New in Milestones Professional 2017” page.

January 2017 Tips and Tricks

For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for January 2017

Symbol tags across multiple files

Is it possible to create a report that compares tags across multiple files? For multiple tasks that have the same name, would it be possible to consolidate those and compare the tags?

Can not select symbols on some rows

Some of the rows on my schedule have symbols which I can not select.  I would like to change or delete the symbols but can not select them for deletion.

Can’t indent tasks

I want to indent text in my column. I never had trouble doing this before. I usually right-click the cell the text is in and Click on Indent/Demote task. For some reason it is not working.

For these and more, view Tips and Tricks for January 2017

Join the Milestones Professional Users LinkedIn Group

For anyone interested, there’s a free Milestones Professional user group on LinkedIn you can join to share best practices, network with other users, and maybe learn some tips along the way from other experienced Milestones users.

To join, head over to the following website and click Join:

Note: This user group is an unofficial group run by Milestones software users, and is not managed by KIDASA Software, Inc. A free LinkedIn account is required to join the group.